June 17, 2010

Noodle's day full of firsts

well today was a big day for my littleNoodle.  who is now a whopping 3!!!  we went to scheels to buy her daddy a father's day gift.  i had no idea they had an actual ferris wheel in that place.  well, somebody just so happens to just squeak in under the 36" height requirement, so of course, we had to ride the damn thing.  i hate the ferris wheel.  it scares me.  i am totally afraid i will fall out. it's never happened to me nor have i seen it happen, i just think it will.  anyway,  after our shopping, we did ride the ferris wheel and the Noodle had the time of her life on that thing!  she is soooo excited that she gets to ride it again tomorrow with her daddy! (we just got him a gift card so he could go buy the frisbee golf discs that he wants)

another first for her, riding an escalator! we went up and down today at scheels.  she did excellent.  probably did better than i did on my first ride :-)  we had a little trouble going down, she ended up on two steps and got a little scared for a second, but made a quick recovery in trueNoodle fashion!

she also experienced a good thunderstorm while she was awake.  i think she has slept through like all of the thunderstorms ever.  i might also mention that she was born during a storm.... i digress.  she decided this morning while her and i were laying in bed (i'm gonna miss that when i start working again :( that she is afraid of thunder.  so to combat this fear, she gets out of bed and ROARS out the window at the thunderstorm.  what a crazy kid!  so she roared all morning at the thing until it left.  i think she even thinks she made it leave.  oh to be 3 again!


Matt L. said...

Thanks for riding the Ferris wheel - even if it was a little scary!

Matt L.

Unknown said...

You brave girls - riding the ferris wheel! Please never ask me to ride Lily, it would be hard to turn you down.......Maybe Lily will end the Hegel kids fear of storms!! Can't remember how many times your mom said everyone was petrified of storms - sounds like Lily will take them on - way to go girl! Aunt Barb