September 21, 2010

school rocks

so i finally started school up again this year.  on my second full semester now.  and already bogged down in homework.  no one ever really tells you how much homework there will be.  there is a ton involved in an accounting degree.  and i'm only doing 3 classes!  its gonna be crazy when i take 4 :)

things are getting busier at work as we incorporate all of our properties into the new "in-house" accounts payable system.  still not all in yet, but we are working on getting there.  i missed a day and half a few weeks ago and i feel like i've been behind ever since.  oh the never ending life of invoices.

i have been completely neglecting etsy and zibbet and most crafting lately.  sorry guys! homework first.  i have, however, been working on a new blanket for the Noodle as she needs a bigger one.  she picked out a bright puzzle piece patterned fleece.  i am doing two layers together (the back is plain) and doing some basic quilting to keep the layers kinda together throughout.  i'm going to finish it with either a blanket stitch around the edges or a wide whip stitch.  haven't decided yet.  haven't gotten that far yet either :)

the Noodle is also getting excited for halloween.  she is going to be a witch this year. complete with a brookstick!  it's only her second one, but you can tell its a holiday she likes.  according to her, daddy is going to be spiderman and i am to be a butterfly.  and the kitties are going to dress up as spiderman too.  don't see that happening, but i can't crush her dreams now can i?

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